3月3日消息,福克斯商业新闻记者Eleanor Terrett在X平台发文称:Coinbase已向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交《信息自由法案》(FOIA)请求,要求披露前主席Gary Gensler任内SEC针对加密行业的非欺诈调查及执法行动开支。 请求涵盖2021年4月17日至2025年1月20日期间,涉及数字资产销售、二级市场交易、质押及借贷等监管执法行动。Coinb...
CornerstoneResearch的一项研究发现,在加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)的领导下,SEC在2024年处理的加密执法案件比2023年减少了30%。 然而,在Gensler的反欺诈政策下,案件数量和罚款金额都远远超过了Jay Clayton2017-2020年任期内的水平。
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairperson Gary Gensler has resigned.
Today is Mr. Gensler's last day at the SEC, the SEC said in a statement. Chairperson Gensler, a longtime public service veteran who joined the SEC in 2021, previously served as chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, deputy Treasury secretary for domestic finance, assistant Treasury secretary for financial marekt...
Gary Gensler posted a farewell message on the X platform, writing: It has been the honor of my life to serve as chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission, and public service is about giving back to our community, whether it is a neighborhood, county, or state.
Gary Gensler, the outgoing chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), told Yahoo Finance on Tuesday that the commission "never said" that bitcoin and ether were securities, and neither he nor Jay Clayton, the SEC's previous chairperson, said bitcoin was a security.
"Bitcoin is a highly speculative asset, but 7 billion people around the world want to trade it," said Gary Gensler, chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission. "Just as we have had gold for 10,000 years, we now have bitcoin."
7:00-12:00关键词:Soneium、Gary Gensler、Crypto.com、Databricks 1.索尼集团旗下L2区块链Soneium已上线主网; 2.Gary Gensler将出席CNBC与Yahoo Finance节目; 3.美国CFTC拟审查Crypto.com押注超级碗等赛事的合法性; 4.摩根大通:SOL和XRP ETP有望吸引近150亿美元净流入; 5.大数据和 AI 公司 Databricks 通过债务融资筹集 50 亿美元; 6.加密交易所Mosaic及其CEO被判向CFTC支付近120万美元罚款; 7.Mi...
According to a tweet from Gary Gensler, he announced that he will appear on CNBC at 9 PM tonight and on Yahoo Finance at 4 AM tomorrow (Beijing time).
Gary Gensler, the outgoing chairperson of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), said in an interview with Bloomberg TV that he was proud of the work done by the agency and said there was still "work to be done" less than two weeks before he left office. Gensler reiterated his assertion that the crypto space is "rife with bad actors". When asked about some of the cases the SEC has brought against cryptocurrencies during his tenure and whether this has led to a change in his behavior, G...